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Commentary On Cambridge's Analysis of Ethereum Environmental Impact
Original Paper   Overview Cambridge’s analysis should be applauded for its rigor. The analysis is also noteworthy for its absence of fundamental flaws such as “per transaction”...
How Bitcoin Can Help Nations Out Of Water Scarcity
The “bitcoin uses fossil fuels” argument has been increasingly breaking down in the face of new data from Bloomberg Intelligence showing the network is in fact the most sustainable-energy backed industry...
Rebuttal of BBCNews article, and the Underlying Study, on Bitcoin Water Usage
Why BBCNews’ latest article on Bitcoin and Water is a monument to journalistic laziness Original article Problems and errors of fact in the article: 1. The headline of the article contains...
How use of the term "Greenwash" Can Discourage critical thinking about Bitcoin
With increasing regularity, I have been hearing accusations that Bitcoin proponents are engaging in “greenwash”. Here’s why we need to be careful and considered in using this term. Firstly,...
The Bitcoin Facts that Every Investment Committee Must Know
Why ESG Investment committees need Bitcoin, but Bitcoin also needs ESG Investment committees There are currently 23 trillion dollars locked up in ESG funds looking for a home, which cannot deploy a higher...
Rebuttal of EarthJustice Report of Bitcoin Mining in Texas
Original Report by Earthjustice Acknowledgements First, the positives. Earthjustice have done a generally good job of avoiding the sensationalism of GreenpeaceUSA. This is a more thoroughly researched...
Rebuttal of GreenpeaceUSA Report on Bitcoin
How to use this article: Since the original GreenpeaceUSA article uses many of the arguments that are traditionally used by opponents of Bitcoin to argue that it is a net-environmental negative, this article...
Comparing Bitcoin Mining to other Industries' energy mix
Summary Using data from our BEEST model (Bitcoin Energy and Emissions Sustainability Tracker), and comparing to publicly available data of other industry sub-sectors, we charted sustainable energy mix...
Accurately, dynamically calculating Bitcoin Network Emissions
Executive Summary We find that the most oft-cited emissions calculation (CCAF’s estimated emissions) for the Bitcoin network overestimates true emissions by > 100%. The emissions numbers is...
Acknowledgements: Mason Jappa – Blockware, the team at Luxor and Fred Thiel – Marathon for making their data, models and methodologies available Executive Summary For several years the...