
BEEST (Bitcoin Energy & Emissions Sustainability Tracker)

Introduction We are at an inflection point in Bitcoin mining history. Policy decisions made now will have far-reaching consequences. So it is more important than ever that these decisions are based on robust, complete, and up-to-date data. The Bitcoin Mining Council (BMC) reports that the Bitcoin network uses 59.4% zero-emission* power sources. In contrast, the […]

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35 Landfills Mining Bitcoin = A Net zero emission Bitcoin network

Executive Summary: 291.9 MW of power from vented carbon negative sources such as landfill gas would make the entire Bitcoin network carbon neutral. To put in context how achievable this is: if Bitcoin mining companies focused on using previously vented sources of methane emissions (such as: vented landfill gas) it would take only 35 landfills

35 Landfills Mining Bitcoin = A Net zero emission Bitcoin network Read More »

How EMISSION Negative are different Ways of combusting atmosphere-bound methane?

Executive Summary: By an order of magnitude, using vented methane as a power source is the most carbon negative fuel source. Of different vented sources, landfills are the most economically viable source. Wastewater methane can be repurposed to run power-hungry waste-water treatment plants, but landfills are isolated and generally the grid infrastructure is inadequate to

How EMISSION Negative are different Ways of combusting atmosphere-bound methane? Read More »

Quantifying the EMISSION NEGATIVE COMPONENT OF the Bitcoin Network

Note: this is a dynamic report that gets updated as new data on new carbon negative Bitcoin mining, new carbon-neutral Bitcoin mining, miner efficiency (avg J/TH) and new estimated total Bitcoin network energy consumption becomes available. Current statistics may vary from those previously reported. Last updated: 21 July 2023 Introduction The Bitcoin Mining Council has

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Bitcoin’s Potential Contribution to UNEP’s 2030 METHANE REDUCTION TARGET

Introduction: Previously, we published research showing that Bitcoin mining had the potential to reduce 0.15°C of global warming by 2045. This article is the sequel to that research. Because UNEP has declared that we must reduce methane levels 40-45% by 2030, we investigate how much Bitcoin mining can contribute to that goal. UNEP also stated

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Quantifying the Potential Impact of Bitcoin Mining on Global Methane Emissions

Daniel Batten Peer Review: Executive Summary Using Bitcoin mining to combust leaking methane sources can eliminate 5.32% of all global emissions by 2045. This represents 23% of all global methane emissions: more than half the UNEP’s targeted reduction of methane of 45% by 2045. That means that Bitcoin mining has the potential to avoid nearly

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Bitcoin: It’s counterintuitive, but it’s net positive for the environment

Bitcoin isn’t the great evil we have been led to believe. Until you’ve looked deeply into something, you’re not in a position to judge it, says Daniel Batten. John Lennon once said, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” I remembered this line today when I recalled the plans I was making for this

Bitcoin: It’s counterintuitive, but it’s net positive for the environment Read More »